DJ Rob

Music has been a keen interest of DJ Rob since as early as Primary School. Growing up he would prefer playing music albums and singles rather than watching TV. This progressed during his teens and he was fascinated by Radio, Record Shops and Events.
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DJ Rob was introduced to Pirate Radio when he was 14 and this inspired him to aspire to the artist he was listening to. The year after he was given belt drive turntables for his birthday and he started doing parties for friends with records bought from pocket money. He built up a jungle and Drum and Bass vinyl collection. Rob has played for a Pirate Radio Station called Eclipse FM.
In late 1997 House and Garage was being played in Clubs and Bars and since then he started to build up his collection of this music genre. He met friends through record shopping which led to producing mix tapes and a number of play outs around Croydon and South London.
Venues include:
Joe Bananas
Elephant Bar
Millenium Bar
In 2004 DJ Rob acquired a breakfast radio show on an East London station called Touch FM. Nowadays he still appears on a constant weekly radio show playing vinyl only appearing on stations around London and Essex (Live FM – Playback UK). Rob also performs monthly and weekly at places like:
If Bar
All Bar One
Imperium Romford
Club Collosseum
Jam Bar
Looking Glass Club
He also performs at various smaller bars and private parties around London’s West End, covering weekdays, weekends and festive seasons.
Over the last 5 years he has had his radio show on Vision Radio UK playing House and Garage, Jungle, Club Classics, 80’s, Soul, Reggae, 80’s and 90’s party classics. He hosts a vinyl only show on a weekly basis interacting with regular and new listeners. DJ Rob has a great passion for vinyl but he also owns an extensive music collection to hand and enjoys playing all aspects of music to suit all ages.