How to reduce that pre-wedding stress
Organising a wedding is enough to make you want to pull your hair out. There’s so much that needs sorting; the venue, the caterer, the DJ, flower arrangement, the guest lists… it goes on. But you don’t want that wedding stress to ruin the excitement do you?
That’s why we’ve put together a quick guide on how you can kill the pre-wedding stress and concentrate on getting excited!
Book in advance – Leaving everything to the last minute will make you stressed. So make sure you book everything way in advance. You don’t want to find the perfect venue only to find out they’re all booked up.
Start your search for everything months and months before the big day. That way, if something does go wrong, you have time to find a solution.
Communicate – Bottling all your emotions up isn’t going to do you any good. So when you are feeling stressed, talk to people; your mum, bridesmaids, the groom. They can all help you feel better about everything that needs to be done. Communicating your worries will always make you feel much, much better.
Spread the load – As we said, there’s a lot to organise for a wedding. But doing it all by yourself isn’t a good idea. Sure, you’ve been dreaming of the big day for a long time, but you aren’t the only one who has to do all the work. Let the people around you help, because they want to.
Trust them.
Forget the wedding – No, we don’t mean forget it all together. Designate a night of the week where neither you or the groom are allowed to talk about the wedding. Kick back and watch a film together, go out for a meal. Constantly worrying about everything that still needs to be done will only make things worse.
A break from organising is deserved.
The budget – The budget is probably the biggest restraint on your wedding. Make sure you know exactly how much you have. You don’t want to end up 2 weeks away from the wedding with 5 things still to book and no money left.
Let’s face it. You are going to be stressed at some point, and that’s normal. But you shouldn’t be stressed out all the time. Follow the tips above and it’ll make the planning a whole lot easier.